I am so proud of all of you !!!! Congratulations on your 30 days!! As you think about your diet in the days to come I just want to take a minute to talk about artificial sweeteners. I mean if sugar is so bad then wouldn’t “sugar free” be a compromise ???? Well…let me tell you why that doesn’t work. (Ummm yes.. more science)
Some studies have shown that sugar free products increase our risk of obesity and Type II Diabetes. A study done at the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health in Baltimore, Maryland (PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167241 November 23, 2016 ) followed 8200 measurements and 3100 food diary records with detailed information on low calorie sweetener use from 1454 participants for 28 years (huh.. a lot of numbers) Those that used low calorie sweeteners had a 2.6 cm larger waist circumference, higher BMI and 53% increase in abdominal obesity. There was a 41% increase in diabetes compared to those that didn’t consume artificial sweeteners.
Why do we see this kind of trend? Because our little gut bacteria don’t like these sweeteners and cause an overgrowth of bacteria that are particularly good at absorbing any sugar that you do eat. Also artificial sweeteners tease that center in your brain that likes sugar causing you to crave even more sugar; thus constantly battling the sugar dragon and fighting cravings. Remember, part of The Whole 30 is to change your tastebuds so your are not so desensitized to sugar – artificial sweeteners blunt that process.
So in the end …STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR – even the fake stuff !!!!!!
-Dr. Carol Bridges